Thursday, October 16, 2008

I blog, therefore I am?

So, after an inordinately long period of time (like, a week) of thinking about starting my own blog, here it finally is, in all of it's unprecedented glory.  Now, if you're expecting something informative and parallel with the times, then I am afraid that you might be looking in the wrong place.  
Here's what you can expect from this blog in the future: updates on any travels, whether they be music related or not; random, and not so random thoughts that come to mind; and the periodic comment on the current state of political affairs and the efforts of two robots doing their damnedest to get elected as the Presidential Robot.  
I am no expert in any field, so if this blog sounds well informed, it's purely out of chance.  If you find yourself reading this blog, I imagine that will be purely out of chance.  In short, it's only through the grace of my abnormally large ego that I even entertain the idea that any of you will read these words.  But if you do, all the better.  
Now, until I actually have something worth saying...

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